In-Stream vs Out-Stream Ads: Which Is Right For Your Campaign?

Attempting to navigate the waters of digital advertising can be quite a challenge. And a plethora of such options can overwhelm you as to what will be sufficient for your campaign in terms of an ad type. There are a couple of different ad styles to choose from (In-Stream Ads & Out-Stream ads) both with their own pros and cons. This guide will go over the difference between in-stream ads and out-stream advertisements to help you figure out which one is better for your campaign.

What’s the Difference?

In-stream ads: These are video ads that play before, during or after videos, and you have likely encountered them many times. You know the unskippable ads before you can watch a YouTube video? Those are the ones. 

Out-stream ads: These on the other hand, are those which appear around video content. One can find them on websites, social media feeds or even in apps. They are usually shorter and less annoying compared to in-stream ads.

Here’s a summary:


  • In-Stream Ads: Inserted into video content, either before (pre-roll), during (mid-roll) or after the main video post-play interval.
  • Out-Stream Ads: These appear out of video content – like in text articles, social feeds and other non-video environments.

Viewer Experience

  • In-Stream Ads: Often Intrusive as they stand as an obstacle between a viewer and video they want to watch. But, they provide high visibility.
  • Out-Stream Ads: Not as intrusive because they do not disturb other content. If people are not interested they can scroll past.


  • In-Stream Ads: Often pricier because they run during video content.
  • Out-Stream Ads: Typically less expensive, as there is no premium placement necessary.

In-Stream Ads: The Classic Choice

In-stream ads are an excellent way to build brand awareness and a more extended narrative. Moreover, they typically run before a video, so you have an audience. You can make a longer and more appealing ad that effectively portrays your product or service. Also, in-stream ads are mostly completed by people who start watching them, hence more individuals will view your whole ad. You should consider instream ads services providers if you want to leverage these effectively.

Still, these in-stream ads disrupt the user experience somewhat. Watching a long ad before getting to their content can irritate some. Not only that, but there is a chance your ad may not even be seen because Ad blockers are on the rise.

The latest addition to the block: Out-Stream Ads

You should always follow the recent trends, to reach a larger audience with ease. Less intrusive, and beneficial: This refers to the video ads known as Out-stream Ads.In addition to being short, they appear in different places which gives you more room for possibilities. Their short length can also lead to people being more likely to watch them

However, out-stream ads have some disadvantages too. They may not be as noticeable as in-stream ads; hence, it can be challenging to make individuals recall your product or service. These ads are also shorter thereby offering less time to tell your purposes.

Which One Should You Choose?

The best option suited to your needs is determined by what you want and who you are targeting.

  • In-stream ads are more for brand awareness and delivering a story.
  • For greater reach & more views, out-stream ads may be a better choice.
  • Out-stream ads might be less expensive if you have restricted budgets.

Additionally, you may want to consider a combo of both in-stream and outstream ads as well depending on whether your goal is reach or achieve different goals. Out-stream ads can be a great compliment to your instream video ads.

Tips for Creating Effective Video Ads

Basic Tips for Any Ad Type:

  • Keep it short and sweet. We as people cannot pay attention to a long drawn out ad, so get the point across fast!
  • Make it visually appealing. Show high-resolutions videos and attractive images
  • Tell a story. Establish an Emotional Connection With your Audience
  • A strong CTA is necessary. Let people know what you plan for them to do after seeing the ad.

Take these key points into consideration, including much needed tips for in-stream vs. outstream ads and you’ll soon be on your way to a successful video ad campaign!

Combining both In-Stream and Out-Stream Ads

Both in-stream and out-of-stream advertisements should be considered if you want your campaign to be extremely successful. It makes it possible to take use of the advantages of various ad formats, which include increased audience engagement rates and a broader reach.

Multi-Channel Strategy: In-Stream Ads: Access users while they are consuming video content

Out- Stream Ads: Target audiences throughout various platforms This multi-channel strategy guarantees a wide array of coverage.

Retargeting: Use Out-Stream Ads to retarget all those who have seen In Stream ads. This way, your brand remains top-of-mind and encourages additional interaction.

A/B Testing: A/B test different creatives/messages between In-stream & Outstream ads. Leverage these insights for campaign optimization on your end.


Knowing the strengths of each ad type and using them in your marketing is critical for creating a successful, unified campaign that produces results. In case you require help about choosing or running a campaign for you, then you should think about working with PPC services providers.

If you want to guarantee improvement in your SEO, consider employing the help of AO Creatives. We’re great at what we do and provide maximum support and customer satisfaction. So what’re you waiting for? Contact us now and get started on your journey to online success!



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